mercredi 16 novembre 2011


                 Cinema is an art; it is the best way to send messages and to play with public’s emotions. The first movies have been projected in the 1930s.The standard technique of projection from the earliest times involved inserting the projector at the back of the gallery and projecting the image on to the monitor in a cone of light over the heads of the spectators. At the beginning, films were observed as principally brief and little effort was made to preserve them once they reached the end of their commercial life. This period of cinema is also known for its silent films. To appreciate a silent film in the form in which it was originally seen by audiences, it is necessary to have the exceptional ability of seeing an original print, and even then it has to be recognized that each copy of a film has its own unique history and every presentation will vary according to which print is being exposed and under what circumstances. Different projection, different music, the probable absence of an complementary live show or light effects, mean that the modern showing of silent films offers only a rough estimate of what silent film broadcast was like for audiences at the time.( The Early Years Origins and Survival, PAOLO CHERCHI USAI,1996)
         Through this blog article, I will discuss the films that I have appreciated the most. One of the movies that marked me is Hannibal Lector. I liked Anthony Hopkins’s performance in the three movies of this trilogy. Basically, the hero is a boy that were obliged to eat his little sister after seeing his parents dying during war period. After that, he has studied medicine and once he has finished his studies, he has killed the men that obliged him to eat his sister. Since Hannibal lector is very brilliant he became very rich later. I adored these movies because they are intelligent movies, after hours of seeing them, I was still thinking of what happened and what could have happened. It is the best film series that I have ever seen. Another movie that marked me is Remember Me. After sympathizing us with the hero, and after telling a love story of two young people during the whole movie, the scenarist refuted terrorism, and the 11 of September 2001. His main goal was to affect emotionally the audience and he achieved that. The message of the movie is that people that were killed during that attack are mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, friends and mostly innocent people.
        The best movies are from Hollywood, and the best actors are Americans such as Natalie Portman, Brad Pitt, or Tom Hanks. My favorite actor is Anthony Hopkins, when it comes to talk about retirement; this is what Anthony Hopkins saysTo be still working at 64, when most people retire, is an extraordinary gift”. I like another quote from Hopkins which is the following “I think creativity can be as pain-free as possible. You can create and still have a good life”. (Sunday, February 21 2010, interview done by Alex Simon, the Hollywood flash back interview).Cinema is also known for its good soundtracks such as Titanic theme song, Only time in Sweet November and so on .Unfortunately, the quality of Movies in Morocco is very bad. There is no creativity, no good actors, and no cinema culture. I hope that the situation will change, and that someday, Morocco will become a good country of cinema.
Sources: 1) Sunday, February 21 2010, interview done by Alex Simon, the Hollywood flash back interview.
2) The Early Years Origins and Survival, PAOLO CHERCHI USAI,1996
The Oxford History of World Cinema (EDITED BYGEOFFREY NOWELL-SMITH),Oxford University Press (1996)

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